I finally got the kids in bed after a day that felt like it would just never end, and then I had to come up with a project. I knew I wanted to do something with my hands that didn’t need too much input from my head. I started thinking about what crafting supplies I had, preferably inside the house instead of out in the shed, and suddenly into my mind popped: friendship bracelets. Remember those from back in the day? You’d get some embroidery floss from the store, tie some strands together, safety pin them to your jeans and start knotting. This is what you’d end up with:
I made two bracelets; one for each of the kids. It came right back to me, after probably 25 years – and it was actually pretty inspiring. I’ve got lots of ideas to try out for more complex bracelets, or necklaces. I’d love to try adding some beading or other objects along with different patterns.
cool, I made a lot of them when I was young
I feel like I could get addicted to making them again!
hahaha I know what you’re talking about… If I would start making them it would be the same!!!