I worked on a lot of stuff today but don’t have much completed to show for it.
The temperature finally crept above 50 degrees here (well, okay, it was right AT 50) so I got some more paint on the headboard. It still needs a few more coats and I’m wondering now if it might look good distressed. I’m going to sand it a bit and see what that looks like.
I worked on the coverlet some more – I’ve got all the hems done but still 8 more strips to gather and sew together. This is beginning to feel never-ending!
I helped my daughter with her sewing project – sewing scraps from the coverlet into a rug. She conceived it, did the trimming, helped pin it, did the sewing (mostly) and decorated it. I was the hired hand to do what she told me!
Lastly I made salmon burgers for dinner, accompanied by broccoli and French fries. No complaints from anyone, so, success!
Now it’s time for a cup of tea and a movie – at last . . .