Denim Headband Disaster

My son grew out of a favorite pair of jeans, and because the knees were both ripped out I couldn’t donate them. I stuck them into my fabric stash and then started pondering what to do with them. I had the idea to make a headband, or a head wrap, using the denim from the jeans.

I decided to try to make a braided headband, so I cut strips from the jeans and then knotted them together as for a friendship bracelet. That so did not work out well. After I finished the braid I could already see it was a failure, so I didn’t take any more time to finish the headband.

If anyone can think of another use for this, or a way to salvage it, let me know!

One Comment on “Denim Headband Disaster

  1. Gather the ends cut them to size then stitch some elastic to the ends, measure around the ends so it still fits.
    Just add elastic! I have one just the same.