Liebster Award

Recently I was nominated for a Liebster Award by Justina from Justina Who. . . (Thanks Justina)! The Liebster Awards are a way for bloggers to recognize and support smaller blogs that are getting their start and have fewer than 200 followers. Its very…

Follow Me on Bloglovin’

Ok, so with Google Reader going away, I’m trying out Bloglovin’ – I’d love it if you’d Follow my blog with Bloglovin!

Easy Decorating with Plastic Easter Eggs

This weekend we did some Easter decorating in the yard. My philosophy for holiday decorating is to make sure it’s fun for the kids and easy enough for them to help with, and decorating with plastic Easter eggs fits that description well. One thing…

Goodbye London, See You in Rio

I’ve spent this evening watching the closing ceremony of the Olympics instead of doing anything creative. I did make a salad for dinner (thanks B!) but that’s about it. Boy I’d love to make it to Brazil in 2016!

The Olympics Are On, So

We had a great play date this morning with some close friends, followed by a visit to Ama’s house and then an evening at the local community parade. Now I’m glued to the TV watching the opening ceremony (tape delayed – thanks NBC). No…

Stomach Bug

The lack of a project for today has been brought to you by the letters ‘stomach bug’ and the number ’24’ (hours). Hope to have something to post for tomorrow!

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us by email at makesomethingdaily at At, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This…